Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets
Felt Bunny Finger Puppets

Felt Bunny Finger Puppets

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New! Felt Peter Rabbit Bunny Finger Puppets handmade in our fair trade workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal. A portion of our profits goes toward paying school tuition for some of our workers' children in Nepal. Hand-felted from 100% natural wool; no harsh chemicals are used during production. 

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